video job interview checklist infographic

10 Things You Absolutely Must Do Before Your Video Job Interview (Infographic)

Have you heard of a woman who turned herself into a potato during a video meeting? She couldn’t figure out how to fix it and had to stay that way for the rest of the call. (lol).

But wait! Wait! Don’t get distracted! I’ve put a link to it right under the infographic below. You can take a look at it in a second.

But before you click that link, you should know that the infographic I've just mentioned can help you avoid such catastrophe. It can be the difference between being a potato at your video job interview and scoring the job. After all, potatoes don't get hired, only people do! (What a delightfully weird sentence! ☺️)

In the end, you can take this infographic as a checklist. You can use it to prepare for your virtual job interview or any other video conference call.

And, oh boy, are we going to make many more of those. Sure, it took a global pandemic for companies to recognize the value of working from home but now there's no going back. Video conference calls are here to stay. (I personally hate it but even I should probably get used to it. Damn.)

Anyway, good luck at your job interview! Oh, and don't forget to check that potato lady at the end of this article. It's hilarious.

10 Things to Do Before Any Video Job Interview: A Quick Checklist

Video Job Interview Checklist Infographic

Here's that link I promised. Click it with caution: This Woman Accidentally Turned Herself Into A Potato For A Video Meeting And Couldn't Figure Out How To Fix It.

Are you a winner or a potato?

JK, doesn't matter. Your resume does.

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Equipped with vital pointers for acing your video job interview? Now, let's enhance your preparedness even further. Use our tool to convert your LinkedIn profile into a professional, polished resume.

  • Martin Poduska, Editor in Chief at Kickresume
  • Martin Poduska
    Editor in Chief
    Martin Poduska is a resume expert and career advice writer at Kickresume. He leads Kickresume’s team of writers and is the main person responsible for upholding the standards of expertise and quality on the blog. In addition to having written nearly 100 in-depth, painstakingly researched resume advice articles, as chief editor he has also edited and revised every single article on this blog. Tens of thousands of job seekers read Martin’s resume advice every month. Martin holds a degree in English from the University of St Andrews and a degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Amsterdam.

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