future of work survey

Survey: 40% Of People Don’t Mind if Their Manager Is Robot or Human [Infographic]

The future of work is already here and artificial intelligence is slowly transforming the workplace.

We can see jobs changing quickly as AI takes over mundane tasks. For instance, if you’ve been to a Red Robin lately, then you’ve probably used the tablets to order your food and pay. Or maybe you've met robot janitors at Walmart mopping the floors and scanning the shelves.

While the change itself is unquestionable, there's one question looming over it — how do people feel about robot coworkers?

We have surveyed 1,346 workers globally to find out. And we've got some pretty great insights!

Here are some of the most interesting survey findings:

  • More than 75% of workers think their jobs are safe from automation
  • 23% of workers think AI will steal their job one day
  • 39% of workers already use some kind of automation at work
  • 20% of workers trust a robot more than their manager
  • 40% of people don't mind if their boss is a robot or a human

Survey respondents also believe an AI has an advantage over human managers. To be specific, people have more faith in robots for providing information, maintaining work schedules, task management, or problem solving.

The survey also showed that workers are actually ready and willing to embrace robot co-workers rather than being worried about losing jobs. In fact, 31% of workers are excited to have robot colleagues in the future, while 45% of people don't mind. On the contrary, only 24% were against it.

So, the popular belief that people are afraid of robots stealing their jobs may not be so true after all. In the end, even Red Robin's waiters didn't loose their jobs. Instead, they now have more time to help customers and are able to create better dining experiences. 

But no more spoilers! You can find all the great insights in the infographic below!

Infographic: Future of Work Survey Results

future of work survey

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  • Nikoleta Ziskova, Content Manager and Resume Expert at Kickresume
  • Nikoleta Kuhejda
    Content Manager & Resume Expert
    A journalist by trade, a writer by fate. Nikoleta went from writing for media outlets to exploring the world of content creation with Kickresume and helping people get closer to the job of their dreams. Her insights and career guides have been published by The Female Lead, College Recruiter, and ISIC, among others. Nikoleta holds a Master's degree in Journalism from the Comenius University in Bratislava. When she’s not writing or (enthusiastically) pestering people with questions, you can find her traveling or sipping on a cup of coffee.

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