Greta Thunberg was 15 when she began protesting about climate change. Not quite a child, not yet an adult, she saw that adults were teaching her things they themselves did not follow. And she decided to make them walk their talk.
Because you can never hear a child say: "That's just the way of things". That's something you can only hear from adults. It's a sentence that reveals the kind of resignation that only comes with experience.
But we want our children to be better than their parents. Because of that, we teach them how the world ought to be, rather than what it is.
Be kind to others. Do your homework. Don't litter. Protect the planet. And they take it all very seriously because, due to their lack of experience, it's all they know.
“I am doing this because you adults are shitting on my future.”
All right, all right, maybe I should stop now. I'm beginning to sound overly sentimental.
But still, like many others, I find Greta's story inspiring. Somehow, she seems to be succeeding where everybody else has failed. She has made millions of people pay attention to climate change. And, in turn, these millions have already made politicians try to do at least something.
But at this point you must be wondering: What does it all have to do with resumes? After all, this website is about resumes, right?
Well, we've created a resume of Greta Thunberg. What's more, we were careful not to make it entirely about Greta Thunberg because, in the end, it's not about her. It's about all of us paying attention to things that really matter — and standing up for our planet.
Infographic Resume of Greta Thunberg

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