Barack Obama is soon to be out of office and he already seems a bit unsure as for what job should he take next.
We've decided to help soon-to-be-unemployed president Obama with his new resume.
Obama is not going to have it easy. Even though the economy is steadily improving, there are still many people out there who are struggling to find employment. In his 55 years, Obama’s going to have a tough time starting over.
Especially when you consider that for the past couple of years he’s been working a dead-end job where he received no promotions whatsoever.
Finally, he openly admitted he’s going to spend a lot of time “thinking” before moving on to a next job. This is going to leave him with a huge gap on his resume.
Advanced age, no career progress in almost a decade, and a gap on his resume — hiring managers don’t look favourably on any of these. [...]
On a more serious note, there’s no doubt that Obama has accomplished several impressive feats during his career as president. In spite of fierce opposition from the Republican party, he was able to pass health care reform.
Under his administration, the US recovered from one of the worst recessions since the 1930s. He brokered international deals that slow the impact of climate change. He got elected twice in a row.
Obama was both the first African-American US president and the first sitting president to publicly support same-sex marriage. According to many, he was one of the coolest US presidents ever.
In any case, it’s not our place to judge his past accomplishments or legacy. Barack Obama is soon to be unemployed and after 8 years in office, his job hunting skills must have gotten quite rusty.
In Kickresume, we deal in cool resumes and we’ve decided to help him create his.
The Infographic Resume of Barack Obama.

Bring some presidential polish into your own career narrative. Convert your LinkedIn profile into a standout resume that showcases your skills, achievements and potential.