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12 Work From Home Jobs With No Experience (Salaries, Job Sites & More)

Have you been scouting the internet trying to find the best work-from-home jobs with no experience? You're not alone! 

In fact, the remote work trend is taking off like never before. According to the Buffer survey, a staggering 98% of employees would prefer to work remotely instead of spending their 9 to 5 stuck in an office. 

In other words, the appeal of remote work is impossible to resist. Just imagine ditching the daily commute and working from the comfort of your own home. Sounds perfect, right?

So, which professions should you consider if you have little to no relevant work experience and are looking for the easiest entry points?

Keep on reading our article and find out:

  • Whether work-from-home jobs are right for you;
  • 12 easiest professions to enter;
  • How to land work-from-home jobs with no experience;
  • Practical tips for success in your new remote job.

Should you consider working from home?

But before we jump into talking about specific professions, let's explore what it really means to work from home. And whether it's a good fit for you in the first place. 

Advantages of work from home jobs

Of course, the freedom to work from any location isn’t the only advantage remote work offers. 

The data collected via our Beyond Remote Work Survey clearly show that those working from home enjoy: 

  • Time saved on commuting. Of course, for the majority of us, commuting is a waste of time. Plus the frequent traffic jams, overcrowded public transport, or missed transfers add unnecessary stress to our mornings. 
  • Less stressful work environment. Secondly, working from home makes you the sole king/queen of your workspace. So, you can wave goodbye to those AC disputes, loud phone calls (a staple of open offices), or annoying co-workers! 
  • Increased productivity. Although many think that remote work makes people less productive, our report shows the opposite! In fact, 67% of participants feel that they get more things done when working from home.
  • More happiness. Finally, 97% of respondents say they are either totally happy or at least a bit happier now that they work from home. And happy workers achieve better results, right? 

Disadvantages of work from home jobs

But every coin has two sides and remote work is no exception. So, if you're deciding whether to hop on the work-from-home wave, don't overlook these disadvantages: 

  • Spending too much time at home. Indeed, staying in can be tempting. Especially when you have no coworkers inviting you for a cheeky after-work drink. 
  • Lack of personal contact. And social interactions are another issue. Well, a lack thereof! Without regular face-to-face contact with colleagues, some employees may experience feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  • Prolonged working hours. Maintaining a work-life balance is another issue. For example, 48% of respondents admit to working longer hours than before switching to remote work.
  • Receiving messages outside of work hours. Additionally, up to 40% of respondents reported receiving work-related messages long after working hours.

In other words, remote work might not be ideal for everyone. So, you better consider all the advantages and disadvantages thoroughly before you commit to it. 

work from home jobs with no experience

Top 12 work from home jobs with no experience

Now that you have a rough idea about the work-from-home basics, it's time to move to the main course — the long awaited work-from-home jobs with no experience list. 

So, if you're looking for a job you can do remotely that doesn't require you to have years and years of experience, turn your attention to these 12 job titles

  1. Customer service representative
  2. Data entry clerk
  3. Social media manager
  4. Virtual assistant
  5. Online tutor
  6. Content writer
  7. Proofreader/editor
  8. Product tester
  9. Translator 
  10. Video or photo editor 
  11. Community manager 
  12. Online researcher

And now, we’ll take a closer look at each of these jobs, including the expected salary and a brief job description.

#1 Customer service representative

Yearly salary: $36K - $51K

Job description: As a customer service representative, you'll be responsible for a number of tasks. For example, helping customers with their inquiries, resolve issues, and provide information about products or services. Even though you don't have to be a technical wizz, you still need a basic level of computer skills. After all, you'll be expected to communicate through phone, email, or online chats. So, to thrive in this job, you'll need to stay organized, be friendly, and keep calm under pressure.

#2 Data entry clerk

Yearly salary: $34K - $45K

Job description: Are you detail-oriented and enjoy working independently? Well, you might be the perfect fit for a data entry clerk job! You'll be responsible for input and managing data for companies, making sure everything is accurate and organized. And all you need are basic typing skills, attention to detail, and some familiarity with spreadsheet software.

#3 Social media manager

Yearly salary: $45K - $81K

Job description: A social media manager creates and schedules posts, engages with followers, as well as monitors social media trends for a company. So, this role is perfect for anyone who is good with social media and enjoys staying up-to-date with the latest trends. Is it you? Well, do you have good communication skills? And what about your creativity? If you're passionate about social media and enjoy interacting online, you might be just the one!

#4 Virtual assistant

Salary: $37K - $59K

Job description: This is another great opportunity for those with a knack for keeping things neat and organized. And, of course, being a skilled multi-tasker also helps! Generally, virtual assistants handle emails, schedule meetings, plan travel, maintain databases, and perform other clerical tasks for senior executives. In case time management and communication are your strong suits, don't let this opportunity pass you by!

#5 Online tutor

Yearly salary: $39K - $69K

Job description: As a result of the pandemic, online education has been booming! And students of all ages and curricula need extra help with mastering all the diverse subjects. So, if you're patient, diligent, and have an academic background, what's stopping you?

#6 Content writer

Yearly salary: $45K - $82K

Job description: Love writing? Or playing with words? And what about storytelling? If you answered “yes” to all three, you should consider becoming a content writer! As a part of your job duties, you'll create articles, blog posts, and more written material for websites. There's just a handful of things you'll need: strong writing skills, creativity, and a basic understanding of SEO. So, if crafting engaging content makes your spine tingle, this could be the perfect work-from-home job for you.

#7 Proofreader/editor

Yearly salary: $43K - $69K

Job description: Can grammar errors ruin your mood? And your blood pressure goes through the roof anytime you see a faulty syntax? Congratulations, you might be the perfect candidate for an editing job! You'll review and correct written content for grammar, punctuation, and style errors. So, why not combine pleasure with business (or pain) and give your grammar police impulses the right outlet? 

#8 Product tester

Yearly salary: $37K - $58K

Job description: Do you enjoy trying new things and sharing your thoughts? Well, as a product tester, you get to play with new products and give feedback on how they work. And get paid for it! Without a doubt, this gig is perfect for anyone who can spot the good, the bad, and the ugly. If you can communicate clearly and have sharp observation skills, you might find great success in this line of work!

#9 Translator

Yearly salary: $37K - $70K

Job description: Do you speak multiple languages and love bridging the gap between cultures? In that case, becoming a translator can give you the opportunity to convert written content from one language context to another! Generally, translators work in diverse fields such as law, marketing, healthcare, and education. So, you won't have to worry about routines or monotony.

#10 Video or photo editor

Yearly salary: $57K - $76K

Job description: Certainly, in this day and age, captivating online presence is essential for any business. And that’s why exploring your potential as a video/photo editor might be worth your while! Yes, it's true that you'll need to have specific skills (editing software, color correction, animation, etc.). But the good news is, the internet is brimming with online courses that can teach you everything you'll need. So, if you're creative and have an eye for detail, go for it!

#11 Community manager

Yearly salary: $46K - $69K

Job description: Do you thrive on social interaction and creating positive vibes? As a community manager, you'll engage with online communities, moderate discussions, and ensure everyone follows the rules. And to do all that, you'll need great communication skills, empathy, and some tech knowledge to boot. 

#12 Online researcher

Yearly salary: $41K - $75K

Job description: If you enjoy diving deep into internet rabbit holes, perk up your ears! Because working as an online researcher allows you to gather information, analyze data, and create reports on fascinating topics. But this job isn't for everyone! You'll have to have strong analytical skills and proficiency with search engines. And let's not forget about Excel spreadsheets!

work from home jobs with no experience list

How to land work-from-home jobs with no experience in 6 steps

Have any of the above mentioned professions caught your eye?

Here's our quick guide to securing work-from-home jobs with no experience that will make your life easier:

  1. Choose the type of remote that works for you.

    Firstly, you need to decide on what kind of contract would be the best for you. Do you want to be fully remote? Or, would you prefer to spend a few days in the office too? And, of course, would you prefer to be a full-timer? Or, do you want to work as a freelancer instead?

  2. Know where to look for job opportunities.

    While general job search platforms like Indeed and Monster can yield compelling results, try to take a more targeted approach. Instead, we recommend looking at websites that cater to remote workers. For example: Pyjama Jobs, FlexJobs, We Work Remotely,, or Remote OK.

  3. Expand your skill set with online courses if needed.

    If you feel that your resume could do with more volume, consider diversifying your skills. Learning platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy boast a vast selection of courses to pick from. 

  4. Put together a job-winning resume and cover letter.

    In this case, highlighting skills and experience that show you can handle the job isn't enough by itself. Remember to also show that you have the skills to manage remote work: basic computer skills, self-reliance, working with team collaboration platforms, document sharing, etc.

  5. Beware of scammers; look out for red flags.

    Always make sure the job posting you're responding to was issued by a real employer — check their website and social media, LinkedIn, or their reviews on Glassdoor.

  6. Prepare for a virtual interview.

    Get ahead of the curve and be ready to answer the most commonly asked interview questions. Because good preparation is the only way to nail that first impression!

how to land work from home jobs with no experience

Resume hack: skills-based resume

Yes, a reverse-chronological resume is the golden standard. But sometimes switching genres might be more beneficial. And this is especially true if you're trying to secure work-from-home jobs with no experience! 

Because of its structure, the traditional resume draws the recruiters’ attention to the work experience section. But this works to your disadvantage! 

So, why not just direct their attention to something else instead — such as your skills? And this is exactly what a skills-based resume can do for you. By putting the skills section first, it lets your abilities shine through from the get go. 

If you like the sound of that, just click on the red button and use this template to make your very own resume. Plus, with a little help from our AI friend, you can have your resume ready in no time. 

Functional Resume Template

functional resume

And if you'd like to see more examples of resumes submitted by real people, feel free to explore our vast resume database.

Tools to make your remote job easier

Let's be honest. Being away from your team can make communication difficult. And the physical absence of a boss nearby might lessen your drive to complete tasks on time. 

However, there are countless useful tools and apps designed specifically to make our professional lives interconnected and running smoothly. 

So, when you're hunting for those work-from-home jobs with no experience, be on the lookout for the following: 

FYI, if you know how to work with these tools and apps, show it on your resume! Since these reflect your ability to work remotely, including them among your skills can give you a considerable leg up.

Wanna work from home?

Let's find you the perfect match with Pyjama Jobs! Get ready to go remote!

Join Pyjama Jobs

Work from home 101: how to handle the challenge

As we've already shown you, working remote jobs isn't always as idyllic as you'd like it to be. Despite its undeniable advantages, this arrangement also brings many challenges. 

From one remote worker to another, allow us to give you 6 tips on how to keep both your productivity and sanity

  • Create a dedicated workspace. Setting up a specific area in your home for work helps you get in that “work zone”. Keep your workspace tidy and neatly organized — just like your office spot. And make sure you think about ergonomy!
  • Make a routine and stick to it. Despite popular belief, routines aren't a bad thing. They keep us organized and focused. So, create one that works for you. And make sure you also fit in time for breaks. 
  • Get used to making to-do lists. This is another way to stay on top of the workload. Prioritizing tasks helps you allocate your time more efficiently. 
  • Dress to impress … even if it's just for your cat. No more “business on top, party on bottom” outfits! Dressing up as if you went to an office is another psychological tool to get you into a work mindset. 
  • Set firm boundaries. And if you're sharing a household, make sure the others respect your space. Because interruptions (no matter how well-intended), can seriously mess with your workflow and hinder your productivity. 
  • Know when it's time to log off. And finally, don't feel guilty about signing off when it's time. Just because you work from home doesn't mean that you need to make yourself available at all times. The only thing this would bring you is a nasty burnout.

Key takeaways: Work-from-home jobs with no experience

Unlike the traditional modus operandi, the work-from-home arrangement allows employees to complete their tasks and duties outside of the office. Remote jobs have been gaining popularity since the pandemic. 

But besides the very obvious benefits (time flexibility, location flexibility, saving time on commuting, increased productivity), this trend also brings about several disadvantages. For example: lack of socialization, prolonged working hours, and spending too much time at home. 

For job seekers who want to start working remotely and need to find jobs with not-so-much work experience, we recommend looking at the following professions

  1. Customer service representative
  2. Data entry clerk
  3. Social media manager
  4. Virtual assistant
  5. Online tutor
  6. Content writer
  7. Proofreader/editor
  8. Product tester
  9. Translator 
  10. Video or photo editor 
  11. Community manager 
  12. Online researcher
  • Julia Mlcuchova
    Career Writer
    Julia has recently joined Kickresume as a career writer. From helping people with their English to get admitted to the uni of their dreams to advising them on how to succeed in the job market. It would seem that her career is on a steadfast trajectory. Julia holds a degree in Anglophone studies from Metropolitan University in Prague, where she also resides. Apart from creative writing and languages, she takes a keen interest in literature and theatre.

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